Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pounding my head against a wall!

I just got done posting on the i Village pond forum and I want to pull my hair out. There is some individual that has cloudy water and can't figure out what to do. Apparently quilt batting is a popular filter media with some ponders.


That just doesn't sound good to me. Why put that stuff in your pond? There have been millions spent on research and development by the industry and no one sells quilt batting for ponds. There is a reason for this.

Top that with the fact that this individual admitted they had large amounts of leaves in their pond and I really want to scream. If you post enough times and leave out important facts, someone will give you a lame idea that might blindly work.

Talk about treating a gaping wound with a band-aid when you need a tourniquet. If the answer is right in front of your face... well that is probably the answer.

Always check the most obvious culprit before you start digging. If your pump isn't working, check it is plugged in, than if the outlet works. Trust me, I've learned that one the hard way a few times.

Live by the KISS method, Keep It Simple, Stupid!

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